Thursday, November 13, 2008

Australia, the premium choice?

I didn't think I would blog about this at all. I am talking abt the Australian University Fair tt we attended some wkends ago... I hv always presumed the choice was clear. For the bulk of my poly life, I have fantasized abt leaving all behind and exploring greener pastures. In a dramatic "spread my wings and soar" sorta way. Namely, studying down under.

With the financial crisis, it makes even more sense to go (if your family has spare cash tt is) because the Aussie depreciated to an all-time low and with widespread uncertainty, the job mkt certainly looks pretty bleak.

As planned, I shortlisted the universities, prepared the documents to send out and prepped myself mentally for the freedom I hv always desired. Suddenly, with possible departure less than 6 mths away, I am faced with a dilemma. To go or not to go.

I mean, I have all along dreamed of going away, learning independence, experiencing a new culture and of course, the childhood dream of an angmo prince charming with a sexy Australian drawl! But when faced with the option of actually going, I'm beginning to come to terms with the consequence of this flighty fantasy.

Being lost and alone in a foreign land is one thing. Missing loved ones is another. But in a family with 3 other siblings, I am now worried tt my impulsive and extravagant decision to fly away wld jeopardise their future. Alisa for one, needs half a million for her doctorate studies.

Truth to be told, I hv no intention of splurging my parent's hard-earned money on a joy ride and I fully intend to return every cent invested in grooming me as soon as I hv the means to earn my keep. But SGD 150K?! Tts a debt I hv no confidence in repaying within the nxt 5 yrs or so.

Lunch like this wld not materialise when I am alone far far away.

Neither will I see greedy Trix's face light up at the sight of ice-cream.

When living on a budget, sweet treats I adore, become a rare luxury.

And how abt my amazingly adorable baby brother? Who nv fails to put me in stitches with his failed magic tricks and ultra upsized ego?

Last but not least, my lao niang.

For sure, every extra dollar she spends on me equals one less dollar for her retirement. For someone who has worked tirelessly her whole life. Never really enjoying the fruits of her labour and instead pour everything into maintaining the family's standard of living, I can't bring myself to take whatever she has left. Be it her round-the-world holiday or the cafe she wishes to set up. If I cannot guarantee a fast return to fulfil these dreams of hers, I will not touch her savings.

So when she talked to me abt my options for my nxt stage in life, I made my stand clear.


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